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Day 2




Let's sort! Today you will be broken up into small groups. Below we have provided some discussion questions for your small groups during the sorting activity. After you complete the activity, we are going to document our findings through VoiceThread (description of assignment listed below). 


















**After your small group discussions, select a "speaker" to share your group's results/findings with the rest of the class (depending on time left over after the sorting activity).  








Take a picture of your group's sort (your teacher will assist with this process). Individually, you will log on to VoiceThread (through your teacher's log on information) and post a comment (audio recording, text comment, or video) about your group's sort. Refer to the discussion questions (listed above, on this page) for guidance on what to comment on! This assignment will be part of today's evaluation/grade!


What is VoiceThread? VoiceThread is an online discussion forum. This short video provides a brief description of what VoiceThread is and how you can get started in the conversation. 























Here are examples of a similar sorting activity that we engaged in at Penn State! Each participant had a different way of sorting and determining the criteria for "art" and "not art". This just goes to show that everyone has different opinions about what is considered art. Try not to become frustrated if you disagree with someone else's sort- instead, let these emotions support and guide your group discussion! 























If you have extra time after your sorting activity, look ahead! Tomorrow you will be beginning to brainstorm and start working towards your final project. Check out Day 3 for more information about the final project! 



Discussion questions for small groups during the sort: 

Why did you pick your objects? 


What is your reasoning behind your sort?


Did each object need to have certain characteristics to be considered art? If so, what were they?


Do you think the process of making an object can determine if it is art or not? Why?


Did any of your opinions about art change while sorting your objects? Why/why not?


Did you agree or disagree with your classmates' sorting? Why/why not?


Were there any certain objecst that were difficult to categorize? What were they, why was it difficult?


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